10 Best Business Intelligence (BI) Blogs to Read

“Business intelligence (BI) is a set of technological processes for collecting, managing, and analyzing organizational data to yield insights that inform business strategies and operations”.

BI specialists and data analysts use a wide range of tools and services for working with data. As technological progress moves on, these tools are constantly updated: new functionality is added, old settings aren’t there anymore, etc. To always keep up with the trends in BI and analytics, consider exploring business intelligence blogs.

Another good reason to read articles about business intelligence is to get acquainted with the best practices in the field. For instance, you may discover dashboard templates for quicker analysis or new approaches for elaborating on big data. So, we have prepared a good dozen of BI blogs about new trends, technologies, and events.

As a bonus, you’ll get a bunch of additional resources for data professionals.

Table of Contents

  1. Gartner BI Blog
  2. MIT Technology Review
  3. Skyvia Blog
  4. Tableau Blog
  5. Capterra Blog
  6. PARIS Technologies Blog
  7. BI-Survey
  8. Phocas Business Intelligence Blog
  9. Forrester’s Business Intelligence Blog
  10. Dataversity
  11. BONUS

1. Gartner BI Blog

Link to blog: gartner.com/blog

Target audience: BI specialists, marketers, and executives.

Popular topics: Highlights from Gartner summits, artificial intelligence, industry reports, business intelligence, and digital transformation.

BI articles:

Gartner is an opinion leader who regularly publishes and shares the results of technology reviews. This company greatly helps leaders select proper enterprise services and tools that would perfectly fit into their IT infrastructures.

Gartner blog

Gartner’s blog is a treasure chest for everyone using technology in their daily workflows. Business intelligence professionals can discover the most recent trends in the data analytics field by reading summary reports from Gartner summits and observing how modern technologies, such as AI and machine learning, can be weaved into BI strategies.

2. MIT Technology Review

Link to blog: https://www.technologyreview.com/

Target audience: Tech geeks, BI specialists, software developers, engineers.

Popular topics: Artificial intelligence, biotechnology, business intelligence, computing, climate change, and space.

BI articles:

Since 1899, MIT Technology Review has prospered as an observer of new technologies. Although this magazine is owned by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), it’s editorially independent of it.

MIT Technology Review

According to the most reputable global rankings, MIT remains in the top 3 universities in the world. This educational establishment is famous for its engineering programs, so it’s safe to say that new technologies are born here.

MIT Technology Review is here to describe the innovations and present them to the world. Moreover, this magazine has plenty of articles showing how these technologies can be applied to real business cases.

automate data routine

3. Skyvia Blog

Link to blog: https://blog.skyvia.com/

Target audience: BI analysts, data engineers, and developers.

Popular topics: Data integration, business analytics, Salesforce data management.

BI articles:

Skyvia is a universal cloud platform suitable for data integration, backup, query, OData and SQL endpoint creation, and workflow automation. It’s an ideal solution for business intelligence specialists and data analysts, helping them at different stages of their workflows. Skyvia collects data from various sources, applies the needed transformations, and transfers it to dedicated BI and analytics apps.text

Skyvia blog

Skyvia has a blog with a rich collection of BI articles. They explain how to connect different apps to BI applications, prepare data, and what benefits it will bring to businesses. Skyvia’s blog also contains articles with tips on Salesforce data management and various integration scenarios descriptions that could automate business processes.

4. Tableau Blog

Link to blog: https://www.tableau.com/blog

Target audience: BI beginners and seasoned professionals.

Popular topics: Everything about Tableau, the future of data.

BI articles:

Tableau is one of the most popular software for business intelligence and data visualization. Its blog focuses on the product itself and the data world in general.

Tableau blog

The Tableau blog could be of great help to BI beginners as well as experienced data analysts. Its BI articles contain valuable tips on how to use Tableau to drive insights.

5. Capterra Blog

Link to blog: https://www.capterra.com/resources/

Target audience: Business leaders, marketers, project managers, administrators, and developers.

Popular topics: Software listings for different industries, software reviews, and best practices.

BI articles:

Capterra is famous for its platform with reviews for various software products. Businesses looking to implement tools should consult Capterra for advice.text

Capterra blog

The Capterra blog contains plenty of articles explaining the role of data analytics in the biggest industries. Such articles highlight how BI professionals can assist experts across different departments in making data-driven decisions.

6. PARIS Technologies Business Intelligence and Analytics Blog

Link to blog: https://paristech.com/blog/

Target audience: BI beginners and seasoned professionals.

Popular topics: Business intelligence, data analysis, management.

BI articles: 

PARIS blog

PARIS isn’t about the city in this case; it’s about the platform offering services for planning, analytics, and reporting information systems. This blog reveals tips and tricks for data analysts on using popular tools, such as Excel and Google Sheets. Blog articles enlighten smart solutions to daily problems data specialists encounter.

7. BI-Survey

Link to blog: https://bi-survey.com/category/news

Target audience: BI beginners and seasoned professionals.

Popular topics: Business intelligence, data analysis, data management.

BI articles:

BI-Survey is a paradise for business intelligence specialists and data analysts. Their platform not only provides recent trends and tips in the industry but also a bunch of useful options. For instance, you can compare BI tools and read the product reviews of solutions of interest.

BI-Survey blog

BI-Survey articles review modern approaches to data analysis and discuss what errors to avoid when implementing data analysis practices within organizations.

8. Phocas Business Intelligence Blog

Link to blog: https://www.phocassoftware.com/resources/blog

Target audience: BI beginners, marketers, finance, and non-technical experts.

Popular topics: Phocus product description, business tools.

BI articles:

Phocas platform is designed to help midmarket and enterprise clients understand data. Their solution simplifies data management through powerful data analytics and visualization tools.


Phocas blog is particularly useful for data analysts working in the financial sphere. It also offers many articles on finance-related topics, helping companies transform their financial operations, optimize budget planning, improve forecasting, etc.

9. Forrester’s Business Intelligence Blog

Link to blog: https://www.forrester.com/blogs/

Target audience: BI beginners, seasoned BI professionals, and business leaders.

Popular topics: Industry events review, tech industry news, technology presentation.

BI articles:

Forrester is a reputable provider of research services that empower business growth. It greatly helps leaders in marketing, sales, digital transformation, technology, and customer service make the right decisions.

Forrester blog

Forrester publishes around two articles on its blog daily. They cover emerging technologies and trends, conference and summit reviews, and tips for businesses on how to utilize technology to grow revenue.

10. Dataversity

Link to blog:  https://www.dataversity.net/category/blogs/

Target audience: BI specialists, data analysts, business leaders

Popular topics: everything about data

BI articles: 


Dataversity supplies businesses and IT professionals, including data analysts, with educational resources about the use and management of data. Dataversity blog contains everything you need to know about the data. In particular, there are articles on data architecture, analytics, data science, and other data-related aspects.

Benefits of Following BI Blogs

Business intelligence blogs are like tourist guides in the world-known cities. Of course, you can navigate Paris or Rome on your own and enjoy the beauty of it. But you’ll get much value out of a city with a guide who tells you about historical events, modern tendencies, and popular places for entertainment. The same goes for BI blogs: they help you explore BI pillars, discover contemporary trends, and learn how to use BI tools.

There are many benefits associated with BI blogs; however, they are different for various roles and professions.

For business leaders and managers

  • Learning how BI can accelerate business development and growth.
  • Getting informed about events in the data analytics field.
  • Discovering strategies for choosing the right BI tool.

For BI beginners

  • Learning the best practices in the field for enhancing proper expertise.
  • Understanding the applications and use cases for data analytics and their impact on business.
  • Enhancing skills in using data analytics tools.

For experienced BI specialists and data analysts

  • Staying updated with the trends and best practices.
  • Discovering announcements on events and conferences dedicated to BI and data analytics.
  • Exploring new features of data analytics tools.

How to Get the Most out of BI Blogs

If business intelligence is a sea, BI blogs are submarines. They help to discover the deep waters and find hidden treasures.

To get the most out of BI blogs, or in other words, embark on a submarine, we’d suggest the following things:

  • Subscribe to blogs of interest so that all news and updates will arrive directly in your email box.
  • Try implementing the recommended approaches from BI articles into practice. That way, you’ll certainly know whether they work well for your business or not.

BONUS: Other Useful Resources about Business Intelligence

As promised, we’d like to share some other outstanding resources on business intelligence, data analysis, and data visualization. These are blogs, podcasts, YouTube channels, and events.


Link to blog:  https://blog.medium.com/

Target audience: anyone

Popular topics: multiple topics

BI articles: 

Medium is a popular blogging platform with a huge versatility of topics and articles. There’s everything, starting from entrepreneurship to lifestyle. To read articles related to BI and data analytics, select the corresponding topics when registering or follow them later.

Power BI Blog

Link to blog: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/

Target audience: BI professionals, data analysts

Popular topics: Power BI feature reviews, Microsoft event announcements

BI articles:

This blog provides a bunch of articles explaining how Power BI features may contribute to your data analysis. It also contains monthly digests on features and recommendations for businesses.

Women in Data Science (WiDS) Podcast

Link: https://www.widsworldwide.org/get-inspired/podcasts/

The main objective of the WiDS organization is to increase women’s representation in data science. For now, there are less than 10% of women working in the data science and data analytics field globally. So, WiDS podcasts, along with blogs and other resources, encourage women to start careers and develop skills in the field.

Data Skeptic Podcast

Link: https://dataskeptic.com/

This website is a collection of podcasts of tech enthusiasts who discuss emerging trends and technologies. There’s a lot of useful information on machine learning, AI, natural language processing (NLP), etc.

IBM Technology YouTube Channel

Link: https://www.youtube.com/@IBMTechnology/videos

This YouTube channel contains lots of useful videos on AI, cloud technologies, and other concepts related to daily work of data analysts. All videos are concise, informative, and last around 5-6 minutes, which makes them easy to perceive and understand. Moreover, all the materials are created under the supervision of IBM employees, so exceptional quality is guaranteed.

Corporate Finance Institute YouTube Channel

Link: https://www.youtube.com/@CFI_Official

Don’t be surprised by the channel name! It provides plenty of videos about data science, analysis, visualization, and tools, though with examples related to the finance field. Anyway, you’ll not be overwhelmed with this information if you work in another industry, but easily grasp how to apply certain concepts in your industry.

Business Intelligence and Analytics Summit

Link: https://confx-analytics.com/

Where and when: July 10-11, 2024 in Amsterdam, and online

This event aims to unite scientists, innovators, and data enthusiasts from different industries and companies. Data-driven decision-making, data management, cloud-based BI and analytics, AI and ML, NLP in BI, and data visualization are the key points of discussion on agenda.

International Summit of Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Knowledge Management

Link: https://waset.org/business-intelligence-analytics-conference

When and where: July 18-19, 2024 in Paris, and November 18-19, 2024, in Reykjavik

These conferences present and discuss the most recent trends, innovations, solutions, and challenges at the intersection of business intelligence, analytics, and knowledge management.

Liliia Levkо
Liliia Levkо
With nearly a decade of experience in technical writing, Liliia specializes in ETL/ELT tools and data management and integration. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for simplifying intricate concepts, she excels at translating technical jargon into accessible content for diverse audiences.



Skyvia podcast